Aug 16, 2011

"The Crow" Remake say's Bye Bye Mr. Cooper

Well, well how about that. One of Hollywood's best and steady rising actor has just backed out of a deal to play the lead Eric Draven in Juan Carlos Fresnadillo's remake of "The Crow".

"Sorry" Bradley Cooper has said as he no longer has the time to fully commit to this role. It's not because he has a baby on the way either - whew - that'd be weird. It's because he fortunately has some other high profile roles aka cha-ching cha-ching money in the bank roles. Hmm... I heard one was David O. Russell's Silver Linings Playbook and the other Paradise Lost.

For you ladies Hollywood heart-throbs Channing Tatum and Mark Wahlberg have been rumored to be in negotiations... For that chedda...

I'm rooting for Mark.



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