So the first four minutes of the Timo Vuorensola sci-fi flick Iron Sky have been released. I wonder why studios are releasing the first minutes of their films now days, Disney did that with John Carter and look how horrible that sh*t did. For what they paid and for what it was herald as (a Blockbuster) JC sure took a back seat to the Lorax and still hasn't recovered. So I'm not sure what the benefits of giving away precious moments are but I suppose it'll allow me to take a pee and not worry about catching the previews which are usually on Next In Show anyway. I can walk in post light's dimmed and still have the satisfactory feeling of not having missed the first few minutes. Unfortunately, most people today love openings with bangs and John Carter sure didn't have that, nothing unique. Although the damage is done the plot of this movie sounds insane; so doe's anything with Nazis. In this case Nazi's returning from the moon. Enjoy!
In theaters April 4th, 2012. With
Julia Dietze, Christopher Kirby, Götz Otto, Tilo Prückner,Peta Sergeant, Stephanie Paul, Udo Kier, Kym Jackson.
[Photo IronSkyFlickr License]
Posted in: cast,FIlm,Iron Sky,movie,nazis,plot,timo,trailer,Video,viorensola,watch
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