Feb 15, 2012

Next In Show Interviews Greek Indie Band The Finger

Another week, another interview, and this time we got a band from another country. The Finger is female fronted by Hypnelia and is from the second largest city in Greece known as Thessaloniki. In a hurting economy, all this city has to look forward to is beautiful music to uplift their downfall. Fresh from performing, The Finger took some time out to get exclusive with Next In Show. Listen to their EP for free below.

TheFinger x Exclusive Interview
Growing up inGreece, what music did you listen to?
Weall listened to different genres. We have influences that vary from trip hop toheavy metal. Personally I was very influenced by my father, who was a fan ofall the big rock bands like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, etc.
How did thefive of you come together to form The Finger?
Weall had previously worked in other projects together. Sotiris, guitarist andproducer of our band, owns a recording studio where I was recording my soloalbum. So we all met in the studio, except for Nick, the drummer, who laterjoined us. We immediately formed a good chemistry and that was during a periodwhen we all wanted to do something else besides our solo projects.
Explain the processyou went through in recording your upcoming album “I Don’t Believe My Eyes”?
FirstI have to say, we had lots of fun making the album. It was a very pleasantexperience and we already have plans on recording the second album! We recorded17 tracks I think, from which we selected 11 for the album. Endless hours ofrecordings, we experimented with some of the tracks so much that we recordedthem 2 and three times, with different lyrics, different melodies etc. Wewanted our debut to be an album we completely love and we worked it until wecould say, "Ok, now, it's done. We don't wanna change a thing"
 What is theidea behind the album title?
Thetitle is taken from the first track of the album. We wanted the album title tobe something we all feel. I guess you all know the financial and politicalsituation in Greece right now. Things are changing so fast, we don't have theluxury to trust anyone. Every single politician in Greece says what needs to besaid to secure some votes. We don't believe and we don't trust anyone.
If you couldheadline a tour with one other artist/band, who would it be and why?
Thereare so many great bands out there, this is really difficult to answer! We wouldlove to tour with anyone who is as much excited as we are. Regardless ofgenres!

Besides music,what else goes on in your hometown of Thessaloniki?
Demonstrationsand riots! There isn't much really going on right now. Unfortunately, we haveless shows every year, less festivals, less theatres. I don't know if it cangetter ay worse than it is right now.

Are youplanning on going on tour to promote the album?
Weare planning a tour in Greece for now. We don't really know if we'll be gettingoutside Greece anytime soon. Since we are a DIY band, it's not so easy to plana tour abroad, you'll have to work with booking agencies and since we're notworking with one yet, it's not in our future plans.

What music areyou listening to right now for inspiration?
Atthe moment, we try not to listen to any new staff coming out, so we don't gettoo influenced. But from time to time, we go through some old and favorites.Peter Murphy and The Cure have always been among my favorites. This year Ibelieve is gonna be a great year for music, with so many albums coming out. Iliked "Given to the wild" by the Maccabees. The Killers are releasingan album, Muse, Queens of the Stone Age; I want to hear all of them.

What is yourfavorite part about performing in front of a live audience?
Theapplause! The energy you exchange with the people! The anxiety beforeperforming. Everything.

Have you everbeen to the United States? If so, did you attend any concerts?
Unfortunately,no. But we'd love to be given a chance to perform there! I hear the audience ispretty wild there!

It happens tobe Grammy Weekend out here in Los Angeles. Do you approve of award shows?
Itdepends. Award shows in Greece are guided by major labels. I don't know theGrammys work, but I guess a celebration of music doesn't hurt. At the otherhand, we could all live without them. There are many musicians that getnominated and don't even show up. So, it's really as necessary for themusicians, as it is for major labels.

What is onepiece of advice that could help up and coming artists accomplish their goal?
Youshould really ask an established artist! We haven't achieved anything yet!We're just beginning! If you know a good advice, please tell us! :)
ThanksFor Your Time The Finger Band. Your #nextinshow


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