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Jul 27, 2011

Spinal Cord Fixer Upper... Get Your Juices Flowing With The Posture Pump Disc Hydrator

Ahhh. Ouch. BACK HURT?

I'm 6'5" and I have just recently started having some back problems. I mean I did play eleven years of volleyball including two championships and some football and basketball in high school also so I guess I should have expected something. Is it alright to assume I'd have back problems? I don't know but they're here now and so I have started my search for the "cure". Never a medicine fan only natural herbs Alas I would set out to find the perfect remedy for my back pains.

After several months of looking for "that" I finally came across something so crazy, so fantastic, so awesome that I had to share it with everyone. It's called the Posture Pump. 

Posture Pro 6100

Posture Pro 4100

This bad boy was created by a doctor with over 25 years in the back business. It inflates tiny pumps, lifting your neck and the middle of your back, this allows your compressed vertebrae to decompress and allow the precious nutrient rich fluids to re-flow through all the grey matter. Watch the video below to see how it works. 

People, I believe it can go without saying however I'll reiterate for those who fail to care. "YOUR BACKSIDE IS IMPORTANT" more specifically your spinal cord and neck.

I am definitely going to TRY to invest in one of these. I'll let you know how it goes

Jul 25, 2011

Picture Perfect Poses... Thing's To Know

Broke Back Models beware...
Illegitimate poses get you no where nowadays. Yes sure, most models are flawless creations out of Gods workshop but let's be real, faces don't wear the dress naturally and bodies must be contorted to the exact liking of the camera. If not well, then Facebook is the canvas for these many "jaw droppers" without model etiquette. 

Working in the fashion and modeling industry for a bit coordinating some shows and what not (yeah) has helped me understand the definition of spineless. Well, no just kidding. However, I have endured my share of sightless sights of dropped mouths with the "dry heave" signature. Hey, I may not be Fabio or Tom Hintnaus but I know good modeling when I see it. Atleast now I do...

Ok, ok enough of what I have to say I know you all are waiting to see what I really want to say - so see this

Although sometimes concentration enhances a good photograph, obvious concentration can distract and often ruin a good photograph as well. Do not hold your breath for a modeling pose; always remember to breathe and appear at ease.

Bad posture is an unrecognized flaw in many people. However, for models, posture is a harmful flaw. Always remember to keep your back straight and your shoulders up. Slouching affects the mood of the photograph and enlarges the appearances of your stomach. In addition to your back and shoulders, always remember to flex your stomach muscles. Despite your weight or state of shape, your abdomen will appear more toned if you flex.   

Symmetry is officially out in the modeling world. When posing, make sure to differentiate your arms and legs with asymmetrical poses. If you have one arm long and straight by your side, make sure the other arm is bent. Whether a big or small angle, the bend will make the modeling pose look more real, less artificial. Continue the asymmetry to your legs. If one leg is locked straight, give the other leg a casual bend.

Although the camera is the ultimate focal point of a modeling photo shoot, great models do not look directly into the camera. To enhance the quality of your photo shoot, look away from the camera with a mix of head and eye poses. Looking off to the right or left side, or tiling your neck to either side can help you avoid direct eye contact with the camera. In many cases, your head and neck can remain stationary in your modeling pose—and your eyes can do all the work. Head and eye positions, coupled with personable facial expressions make for great model poses.

Sitting Poses
If you are sitting down during your photo shoot—don’t think it’s ok to slack off. In fact, sitting photo shoots require a lot of extra work. If you are sitting down or reclining, it’s important to put your eight on the back of one thigh, rather than distributing your weight equally on both thighs. If you roll one hip up from the ground or surface, shifting your weight will be simple. This pose results in a slimming effect that you don’t want to miss out on. 

To make sure your best assets shine, there are a few basic guidelines to follow. Based on two distinct poses, a forward lean and a backward lean, any model with any breast size can maximize cleavage. When leaning forward, either bring your arms together at your waist, keep your arms straight at the elbows and clasp your hands together below your waist, or simply cross your arms. When leaning backward, raise your arms about your shoulders and head, keep your arms apart, and always slouch for the best cleavage results.

If you have a naturally beautiful smile—show your pearly whites with pride, just not every time. If you smile in each modeling pose, modeling agents will notice your lack of versatility, not your smile. To add variety to your modeling poses, try switching up your smile with a cute frown, a bratty bout, a friendly laugh, or even an edgy scowl. Your facial expressions can make or break your modeling poses. Let your smile show, but make sure to show what else you can do.
In addition to these personalized tips for modeling poses, every model should be aware of the basics of posing. There are 4 main types of model poses: lifestyle pose, movement pose, portrait pose, and body pose.

The lifestyle pose evokes a sense of everyday living with common body movements and facial expressions. Throughout the day, moments of happiness, love, anger, and hope arise. To succeed at the lifestyle pose, each model must be able to recreate these everyday emotions.

The movement pose captures a specific action, such as running or jumping. Because this pose is most often used for a marketing photo shoot—the model is used to promote a product. Each model must be able to smile and laugh when using the products in the photo shoot.

This modeling pose emphasizes the face of the model—and relies purely on facial features. The model will be in modest makeup and relaxed hair and should pose with a casual, genuine smile. Many portrait photographs are close up and emphasize details of the model’s face. If you are scheduled for a portrait photo shoot, make sure to pay extra attention to your skin and drink at least 8-12 glasses of water a day.

Photo by swanky

Full-length photographs require body poses. Models are encouraged to shift weight between hips and make arms and lengths into asymmetrical stances. Although many body poses do not require specific facial expressions, putting your entire body into character during full-length poses helps your body find a natural balance.

Your Business Card Your Future

"Hello, and you do"?

Question's like these fifty times a night are constant reminders that short timed communication tactics are needed; Business Cards. I mean face it sometimes the guy with onion breath and a moped can't help you make a million bucks. Although, it is sometimes hard to just walk away. So for this reason people, it is dire that we professionals of networking are prepared for the "hard walk" of the traditional Hard Rock hosted company networking party. No pun intended.

I remember my first business card. It took me about five minutes because I was told what it should look like, ugly. The card looked just like the person telling me what it should look like, except with my name on it, my extension wasn't even on it, just all of their information. Sad face. Well, I eventually got my extension added and ultimately that was the "click" that made me want to do my own thing altogether. I'll tell you this, I have never been so happy.


Now I appreciate the benefits of having my own brand, my own image and not just being a tool for someone else's good. I appreciate the fact that I am a tool for all of those who are trying everyday to make it big. I enjoy being that person, or one of these people. We are all our own brand in the end, make sure it fits you.

With that said people I suggest to you ideas and innovative ideas on how to represent yourself, your brand.

Business Card's Yeahhhhhhhhhhh


Jul 21, 2011

Frank Ocean To Be On Jay-Z New Album

Frank Ocean & Odd Future have been the only thing talked about in rap music for the past 6 months. Now more popular than ever, Frank Ocean will not only appear on Kanye & Jay-Z's upcoming Watch The Thrown album, but also is confirmed for a track on HOV's forthcoming album. Def Jam will also Re-release his nostalgia ultra album, since Frank himself leaked the original release.

Thanks Frank... That album changed lives.

Jul 17, 2011

Gucci Mane & Waka Flocka Flame Releasing Collaborative Album "Ferrari Boyz"

Bricksquad has been in the media a lot lately, with Gucci Mane fresh out of jail and Waka Flocka announcing his early retirement from the game. This collaboration between the two Atlanta natives could be the last time we see them together on the same track. Ferrari Boyz is due out August 9th.

Jul 16, 2011

Doctor, Doctor time for the Doctor... Unless...

One thing I can say about most of the people I know is that they never talk about the Doctors. I mean isn't there some kind of human code that say's we must be scared of the Doctors office? I guess not wanting to know you have two months to live is a great reason I suppose, especially if you're going in for a simple check up. The fact still stands though, most Americans don't visit the Doctors in time.

Young adults should visit the Doctors with or without symptoms for check ups at least once every other year if not once a year. Elders should visit about three to four times a year. 

For more Great and Useful informaton please visit Guide to Healthcare Schools provides articles, such as "The Complete List of State Departments of Health," that can help you find reputable license health care professionals in your area. 

Well in trying to figure out how to save the world from the over grinning receptionist of deceit who secretly enjoys the hollers of every teeny, tiny little boy and girl who walks through the office doors (INHALE)... I have discovered this...

Granny and Gramps need an upgrade...

This puppy enables the "walker" to check their blood pressure, tell themselves how "hot" they are or a temperature reading as well as know how fast "old thumper" is beating. For those with the faint of sight don't worry, the Aid Cane boasts a stellar LCD screen on the canes clasp.

Innovation is like a breath of fresh air (batteries not included)

Compliments of UBERGIZMO
Tips For Health Check Ups

19 Essential Google+ Resources

Let's Hang Out? Wait, what?

As we all know Facebook has been the dwindling downfall to most of our personal and professional lives alike. Filled with fantasy farmlands and fancy self proclaimed "social models" how could one not lose track of time while letting the world know they are "eating ice cream".  I must say I fell in love with Facebook around the same time I had a girl trying to fall in love with me, let's just say I still have FB.

So I Ask... If Mark Zuckerburg could get 750000 million of us to "Like" Facebook - How many human lives will be taken by Google+ ?

I ask only because after Facebook promised us freedom to the world, they then allowed the underworld into our everyday Facebook life - creating a realm of viruses and fake "OMG" videos to wreak havoc on the supple minded "clickers".

With that said I give to you the resources needed to master the "HangOut" and make sure your "Circles" are tight. I just wish I had the hammer of Thor...

19 Essential Google+ Resources

5 Medicine Free Ways To Deal With Pain

While it may seem counter-intuitive to exercise while in pain, many doctors say in the long run it can help. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons has advice for exercising with low back pain, and the Arthritis Foundation has tips for exercising with arthritis.

Alternative Therapies
The National Institutes of Health, the American Pain Foundation and the Beth Israel Medical Center in New York have suggestions for alternative therapies to treat pain.

A lack of REM sleep makes you more sensitive to pain, Vad says.
"Let's say you have a cut on your finger and you've had enough sleep, you may say your pain is a 4 on a scale of 1-10," he says. "But if you haven't had enough sleep, you may say it's a 7, and it's the same cut."
The National Sleep Foundation has an explanation for how sleep affects pain.
Dr. Vijay Vad, a sports medicine specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in Manhattan
Studies show fish oil, Vitamin B, glucosamine and chondroitin can help against certain types of pain, Vad says.
Dr. Vijay Vad, a sports medicine specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in Manhattan
Heat and Ice
The National Institutes of Health suggests ice for the first few days of a back injury, and then to switch to heat.