Sep 4, 2011

Apollo 18 #nextinshow Movie Review


Here ye, here ye,

I am a massive fan of fiction and the unknown. There's not one person who know's me and doesn't know my infatuation with the unknown and theories that evolve around monsters and in this case "crab-rocks". In recent years there has been a scarcity of legitimate and authentic space movies. I use the word authentic loosely because did man really land on the moon? I think so but still. OK, so this brings us to current times where the world is starting to see more UFOs in the sky and talk about the end of the world, more. Perfect timing for a space movie, not about destroying an asteroid thankfully but about what we may really think goes on up there in the sky, with the shiny things.

This brings me to my point of writing this, the review of Apollo 18. Originally I thought there was, hmm well I never really knew how many moon missions there were. Apparently there were 18 and not 17, yes 17 is the touted number of times the US has gone to the moon. So Apollo 18 starts out with the lead characters Cmdr. Nathan Walker, Lt. Col. John Grey and Cpt. Benjamin Anderson being asked to go on a secret mission to the moon. The purpose of this mission is to set up some sensors so that if we ever were to have some ballistic missiles launched at us I mean the US we'd be able to detect them. I assume they'd trigger one of our missiles to not fly into a mountain in Baghdad however fly into the ballistic headed for the states instead. Obviously, the three guys agree, probably would be a nice pay day. So their off in the Freedom to the moon they go, Lt. Grey during the movie stay's inside the Freedom while the other two Anderson and Walker head to the moon in the Liberty. Oh Liberty. 

Walker and Anderson are now on the moon. During their stay who would guess that some crazy stuff is about to happen. While inside their Liberty there are crazy noises and they don't see it but I saw a rock moving. A rock. This leads to the ship not being able to take off due to complications and so they head out to check things out. Go and behold they discover that their flag of freedom has been taken, gone, vanished. Vamoose. Next to the flag there are tracks, non human tracks as Walker explains. They follow the tracks to a crater a scary ass crater too, and they find a dead cosmonaut. Next thing you know, Walker is going nuts yelling and screaming about his suit and something being in it. There, finally we see it, a crab looking thing crawls across his face, Anderson finds Walker unconscious later on and Walker doesn't remember a damn thing. Crazy that Walker

Later in the Liberty Walker discovers he has something inside of him. He is delusional and also talking about how they are supposed to be there and that they are the reason NASA sent them to the moon. Not the sensors, actually the sensors seem to be attracting the crab rocks. Anderson is able to successfully remove a crab rock which they don't know is a crab rock yet. In the midst of all this they have already discovered an LK Russian moon lander with blood in which they cant explain for being there. They do know however prior to them a Russian crew lost contact, probably the dead guy they found. Eventually Walker goes super crazy and goes back to the crater where Anderson witnesses him get pulled down into the dark scary ass hole. He runs down to be a savior but can't do anything to help, instead the crab rocks all jump up and like their legs come out and he books it out of there. 

Reaching the LK lander Anderson seeks refuge from the crab rocks and Walker who now has reappeared and is trying to crack the lander window. Luckily the crab rocks are inside of his suit and they go inside of him and he explodes, his face explodes. Yes. Anderson then is able to contact the Russian USSR mission control and they send him over to the United States Department of Defense. Wow I thought, what a battery life on that Soviet radio. Anyways, the Defense authorities rightfully acknowledge their knowing of the current events on the moon. They inform him that hey, no matter what guy, your not coming back to Earth. So freaky as you look at the Earth from space. Anderson finally brings Grey back into the movie and forms a plan to use the Russian functioning lander to dock with Freedom. Defense of course doesn't like this and promises Grey that if he helps Anderson they both would be staying their asses in the black space of space. Grey being an idiot is defiant which ultimately leads to his demise. You see on the way up the crab rocks, having been inside the Russian lander infiltrate Andersons system and let's just say it doesn't fare well. He's unable to control the vessel and kaboom-pow. They crash.

The movie ends with footage of the three at a bar-b-que. Is it me or do all space movies include bar-b-ques? I think they do, change that Hollywood. We are left with pictures of each of the men and below an explanation of how they died, like a plane crash or practice error. All bodies have not been recovered. Then there is a link to this website

What I'm telling people is.

WoW so I will say i definitely enjoyed the movie. Not sure exactly what tickled my fancy but I like how the movie didn't really sway from what we were there to see. Secrets unveiled. The slow parts are filmed really well, I feel as though the home footage type filming plays a master role in the slower parts. If you have seen Paranormal Activity and enjoyed it then this movie is for you. I find at times the use of the Paranormal type filimg, with Walker standing over Anderson in his sleep while we see it on the camera, Walker also is filming Anderson sleeping as we look through the camera. The way the film pans back and forth between reality and then the camera views goes han din hand with the idea of them being watched. I actually felt like I was watching them. There are some jump scenes that by all means will catch you off guard. The movie does a good job of leading our minds in on direction and while we are comfortable they hit us with something good. Get's you right back up in your seat. Gonzalo López-Gallego did an amazing job on this movie.

Warren Christie as Benjamin Anderson
Lloyd Owen as Nathan Walker
Ryan Robbins as John Grey


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