Sep 8, 2011

#No Church In The Wild - MUSIC VIDEO #Kanye #JayZ #FrankOcean

OK, so what can I say about this video. Hmmmm, well it's A MA ZING to begin with. Secondly I love the ideology of the video being of a man running from a man who reminds me of Mario Van Peebles role in Posse. If you listen to the song Kanye iterates sin is really nothing if it's OK but deceit and backstabbing are what get you into trouble. I assume the guy running is to portray maybe a JC type character running from those lost dark souls who don't believe there's #NoChurchInTheWild. The idea of making this a western/southern and plantation accented video plays deeply into the idea of things being wild, especially in that era when opinions really didn't matter. It was the way of the World, as Kanye mentions you can have all the money and die with it but we'd probably spend it because life is hard. Money is the root of all evil, that's what they say, when you're making money it's at the hands of "the wild" I assume the industry. As long as you don't deceive them shit you can do anything else you want, #NoChurchInTheWild or no one here to judge you. Just don't screw us over.

I am intrigued by what I have seen @H5C High5Collective produce and their ideas seem to dwell in the dark, in the wild to a sense even if it's inside a house. Their videos are insane, the crew from what I can see close knit. All the makings of innovative #nextinshow material.

I now bring you:

Kanye West and Jay Z f. Frank Ocean No Church In The Wild



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