Sep 7, 2011

Neon Indian: Classified "Chillwave

In the past year a lot of new music has surfaced and not new as in a new undiscovered artist, but new as in a mellowed-out undiscovered genre known as "Chillwave". It is defined as a genre of music where artists are known for their heavy use of effects processing, synthesizers, looping, sampling, and heavily filtered vocals with simple melodic lines. 

The band Neon Indian falls into this category and are similar to other bands such as Washed Out, MGMT and and original pioneer Ariel Pink. Alan Palomo is the musical mastermind behind this group. He was writing and performing even before Neon Indian though, with such bands as Ghosthustler and VEGAIn the end Neon Indian seemed to make the most impact and cause the most buzz of the three. Although the group conceived and released their debut album back in 2009, it wasn't until February 11, 2011 that Palomo and the band made their first television appearance on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. What started out as a mystery project has now grown into a great body of work. On September 13, 2011, Neon Indian will release their forthcoming LP entitled Era Extraña, which translates to Strange Era or She Was Strange. The album includes song repeaters like Heart: Decay and epic Go-Fi sound Era Extraña. Be sure to take a listen to this album. Good music to relax you while your sitting in traffic or just simply pondering life and what makes the world go round. #nextinshow


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