Sep 15, 2011

Listen to OverDoz Until You Overdose

Fresh off of touring with Dom Kennedy/CaseyVeggies, Overdoz is ready to take on the world. Members include Kent,Cream, Sleezy and of course the big homie and Pasadena local, Tube. Their musicis similar to a cross between Outkast and Jimi Hendrix Swag. Representing LosAngeles and surrounding cities, Overdoz has developed a swag movement known as#Dest. The difference with Dest is, well nobody is really sure at this timewhat Dest even means. The group giggles and laughs when asked about it, saying how Dest isDest, and eventually they will release the origin of the word/movement. 

For now, #Destis undescribable. Their music has original material with raw LA street emotion.A great idea would be to download their Free Album "Live For Die For"Available now, and get DESTED I guess?!?!? Los Angeles is ressurecting hip hop once again. #nextinshow 

                       Download Album "Live For Die For" Exclusively at here at #nextinshow


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