Sep 27, 2011

#Weeds Season 7 Finale Hit Us but Who got Hit?

OK, that's how I will begin this. OK. If you were one of the fortunate millions to see the Weeds Season 7 Finale last night then you know better than I do that Season 8 needs to hurry the hell up. I can't believe I waited 3 whole years of Botwin life time to see what I saw at the end of this episode. I mean I don't know if this means there's no more Weeds or not you know, like just end it. Damn you Jenji Kohan.

Enough with my thought's :-/ let me tell you what happened. If you remember the past few episodes involved Silas trying to get a shipment of Weeds. Unfortunately this was interrupted when Dimitri had his gang of goons rob the supply. So now it's up to guilt trip Nancy to make things right seeing as though she make's them wrong to begin with. Upon her quest to get Dimitri to return the goods she realizes he has been arrested. There's really no other reason to believe he got arrested for anything aside from marijuana transactions. However this may not be true. The goons don't really have sympathy and instead insist on judging Nancy and her sister Jill's looks, saying if they'd Do her or Don't Do Her. Nancy Botwin is a definite Do Her. After a relentless effort to retrieve the goods Nancy had to give up, she wasn't winning this battle of the asses.

Nancy eventually finds out why Jill want's to keep Stevie too, so watch the episode. I wouldn't believe it because I thought there would be some ultimate showdown but the girl I was starting to love Emma was no where to be seen. Silas didn't seem to eager to see her either. During this go and behold Shane, good ol bad ass Shane. I'm not sure whether to like this kid or wish him to jail instead of Nancy. He really is starting to confuse the heck out of me, I mean I know he want's to break free and in lieu of this keep everything with his family cool. However, the things he has done in past few episodes make him seem like a scumbag. I mean snitch on Emma knowing she'd retaliate on your mom and now you join the Police brigade. Wow Shane, Wow. Moving on we have Mr. Doug. Eh ehm, this is my second favorite character on this show just because he just know's how to be a Boss. He's smart, witty and know's how to divvy out the shit he can receive as well. The SEC is still down his neck and now they've found a problem. His problem however is that someone has to go down and his efforts to pin it on a lower level backfires when it's told that one of the higher ups has to go. Heylia and Groff are alright, he's a little beaten up but they'll survive. Well maybe not Nancy because Heylia hates the family, again.

At the end of the episode Nancy has managed to get the crazy Botwins and Jill's family together and the handy dandy Doug. There's a nice lunch set up outside in the back yard, things appear to be a little normal out of nowhere. It's crazy because you know how they say before someone dies it's always bliss surrounding them, positive vibes. I mean not for super duper bad people but most unfortunate people though. Well if that's true then here you have it, the perfect afternoon and there's a badman in the bushes. Someone has a scope cross-hair fixated on Nancy Botwins head. We are left in the dark with the sound of a single rifle gun shot. Oh Nancy!

So here's what I think. I don't know about this whole Dimitri spiel, where the hell is he. The eye behind the scope definitely looks like it was on a face of a man, I dont think this was Emma. She's not in this episode but it's also just a day in the life so she could be anywhere. Seeing as though she just had make up sex wit Silas I doubt this is of her doing. Dimitri though, I don't know look at the guy he's an opportunist. He uses Nancy for sex and uses his goons to get her what she want's. He doesn't do shit and we know nothing about what he's capable of. We do know he's not scared to give orders to rob people and bring live ammunition and guns too. With that said I wouldn't doubt this be him or his doing, perhaps he did get arrested and sent a goon to stop any possible snitching from occurring. He know's she snitches.

Jill and anyone else in the family I have ruled out simply because they love Nancy, still. Although if Shane has something to do with this, I wouldn't be surprised. Heylia doesn't really associate with people much so I doubt she'd risk the chance of getting caught on conspiracy to have someone killed. Conrad has been gone forever.

I think I have it. Someone was about to kill Nancy and got killed before they could pull the trigger. I think she's being watched by somebody else maybe the cop now that Shane has ratted. I don't know but for some reason I don't think Nancy is dead. We still have to see if she get's Stevie. Hmm, maybe Doug got killed so that it's easy for the company to pin him as a fall guy.

Let's hope I'm right about something.

Is Nancy Botwin Dead?


Shane didn't snitch on Nancy it was that Emma bitch

You like Emma? Then gotta watch Gossip Girl ;) kiki

It was either the son of the DEA agent she had killed, he's about the same age as shane, so he's fully capable. It could be one of estaban's people (i dont think he's really dead). Or maybe demitri and/or his sister had something to do with it. This is all just me speculating. Maybe someone actually shot the sniper before he could shoot nancy. Reguardless, showtime needs to give them a season 8 asap.

The shooter looked to my like it was Esteban Reyes! I know he's supposedly "dead" but that was just too easy to hear about in the beginning of this season...

i an not sure who max is and ive watched this from the beginning but i think it might be tim. peter scottsons son. just a shot in the dark but that deffintly wasent estaban could be somebody estanban sent but i doubt it i think its tim sctottsin havnt seen him in a while and totally capable of fitting the desription.

Yeah, Esteban I think is a little darker I'd say. The kid is a great guess

MARIE SAID is correct it's Tim. Peter's son from season 2

It was Celia. She shot the sniper. (hehehe...)

I haven't seen the Celia shot the shooter assumption yet but that's clever indeed.

I don't think she is dead... Re watch the end, the sniper has a silencer, therefore if that was what was shot it wouldn't of made the sound, but somebody shooting at the sniper is possible, the son is a great guess as to who the shooter was though.

maybe they saw the shooter on time and then shane was able to pull out a gun (hes in training to be a policeman) and shot him first. Shane was obviously hiding the fact that he was becoming a policeman too because he hid his hat in his bag and then lied as to why he was late. and this would explain why we heard a shot , if the sniper had a silencer or whatever. and now shane will be able to hunt whoever it was down. i dont think that if they are to do another season that nancy would be dead, come on, shes the main character, where would the drama be without her!

Am I the only one who noticed that everybody at the table saw the red "dot" on Nancy's forehead? And....not one of them made a move to try to protect her?
You might want to re watch the last scene again. No one attempted to save Nancy!!!!!

Here's a thought. Shane promised the Detective that he had information that the Detective would want. Perhaps, Shane knew that a hit would be ordered on Nancy. There was a bit too much focus on the police academy and Shane's cap when he got out of the car. Perhaps the police were positioned at the house when the sniper lined up his shot and the police shot the sniper.

That's the most well thought and reasonable response

The whole red dot on her forehead thing was Jill's daughter and then Jill made her put the laser down. That's when the view switched to cross hairs, no one knew Nancy was being sniped.

guillermo garcia gomez. where was hethis season?

Honestly. Everyone is entitled to their assumptions and I say keep guessing! It's fun. But the idea of it being Tim Scottson seems a bit far fetched and random to me. That story arc hasn't be mentioned basically since it happened and just because Tim would be the same age as Shane, I highly doubt he has acquired the skills to be a effective sniper. I truly believe Esteban is dead so I don't think it was him. If you pause it a look at the sniper he had longish curly hair. They have made so many enemies it could easily be the Armenians from season 2 when they start their grow house that they got busted in the gated community lol! I think the Demitri twist is a viable option. But Jenji Kohan has stated that this is the final season of weeds so unless they reveal who it is I highly doubt we will ever truly know. Maybe Jill had her killed. I do hope that someone got the sniper before he got Nancy I love Nance. And as for the argument that the gunshot sound didnt match the way the gun was suppressed, I really think that if they wanted to end with a "bang" no pun intended, they wouldnt have used a silenced shot. That would be dull and boring. A loud shot allows for a big dramatic without a doubt that a shot was fired. Just my ideas. I hope we do find out some how. I hate being left with nothing. And as for it ripping off the Sopranos. The Sopranos series finale was filmed miraculously and executed flawlessly. There is an article that goes into minute details and explains what and how everything was filmed and what happened in that series finale. I suggest you all find it if you are interested it is a good read and really enlightens the end of Sopranos.

well i dont think your taking into account there could have been someone who came up behind shooter shot him before he shot her......

Please read the entire article before commenting I love this show - see the final paragraph.

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