Mar 21, 2012

Next In Show Presents An Interview With Baiyu

This week we feature a multi talented individual who has not only strived in music and movies, but also graduated from Princeton University with a degree in sociology in the meantime. Baiyu is someone you will soon know if you don't know already. Her family ties to music are incredible and thats why she says her parents are her a huge part of her musical inspiration. Check out her latest music visual below for Take A Number, which was recently featured on

Next In Show x  Baiyu Interview

Where does your name Baiyu come from?
My name is Chinese for "white feather".  My parents actually got the idea for it from a classic Chinese poem about the incredible power of human strength as something that cannot be under estimated!
Have you always lived in the states?
I actually lived in China until I was 8 and moved to the States in the 90's.  It was quite a transition.
Does your family have any background in music?

Yes!  In fact, my parents are a huge part of my musical inspiration and upbringing.  My dad is a flute and sax player and my mom is an incredible vocalist.  I used to admire her singing as she hummed tunes while doing house work.  I thought she had the most amazing voice...
How did music influence your life as a young one?
I grew up around music.  Sometimes I like to look through old photo albums and smile at pictures of myself putting on little musical shows for my classmates.  I was surrounded by so much admiration for the arts, and so much musical prowess from my parents that I would be surprised if someone in my position turned out any differently than I did.
Before your music career took off, you graduated from Princeton with a master’s in sociology. Was that always the plan?
I wish I had a masters!  I actually got a bachelors and that was the best decision I could have ever made.  It wasn't actually the initial plan though - I had gone to school with the thought I was going to be an economics major with a certificate in Finance.  I love the adventurous entrepreneurial aspect of the business world, but realized that most of the classes in my original field was a lot more theoretical than practical or even all that actionable.  As a songwriter, I'm also a story teller, so at the end of the day, Sociology was the perfect major for me to focus on.
I wasn't always all that sure that I wanted to elevate my education to the university level before I started my music career, but am incredibly glad that I did.

You are multi talented. What else do you enjoy to do other than music?
I'm someone who's easily distracted, and someone who loves life too much to be stuck on one thing. Although music is my primary passion, and I have a feeling that it'll always hold that number one spot, I also love cinematography, I love dancing, I love fashion, and I'm an absolute foodie as well!
You have been featured in several independent movies. What do you enjoy most about acting?
I think there's something intriguing about the idea of stepping outside of your own life and your own skin to become another character.  It's fun and challenging to to force yourself to act and think differently than you usually do.  That in itself gave me a lot of perspective.
Your latest single and visual for Take A Number made it all the way to World Star Hip Hop earlier this week. How did that happen?
Honestly, there's a lot of things that have happened in the past few months that I couldn't believe actually happened.  How the heck did I get to premiere my last music video "Together" on MTV Networks and have it end up on more than one channel on there?  How did I end up at Judge Mathis' mansion doing a photo shoot for Edge Magazine?  How did I get on legendary properties like SoulTrain and The Source?  These are all things that I could have only dreamed about growing up.

Is there a remix?
Yes!  It features the incredibly amazing Fred the Godson!
The single is off your currently released project the Fan Fair EP. What was your inspiration in putting this ep together?

This EP was meant for my fans.  They make me so happy and thankful every morning that I wake up, and make me feel like my music and hard work is truly being appreciated.  I wanted to make the EP as a thank you for all the happiness and support that they've blessed me with.
At the same time, I also wanted to use the EP as a means to help the victims of the tsunami in Japan a year ago.  It's so important, especially if God has given you a gift, to use that not only for what it is, but also as a way to give back.  The way that this EP is set up on the back end, 100% of the proceeds go towards that noble effort!

What music are you listening to on your ipod now?
Let's see: Frank Ocean, Jill Scott, Jhene Aiko, Rihanna, John Mayer, Usher, Kanye...
What are you looking forward to next?
I'm looking forward to way too much!  I have another independent film that's coming out in the next few months, a new EP called "Hunter" slated for a summer release, a book of poetry & lyrics by that same name, a graphic novel and animated series called "The Illuminators" and a ton of great magazine features as well as music videos.
What is one piece of advice that you have used so far through your life journey?
My one piece of advice is to be grateful.  Be grateful for you past, be grateful for your present, and be even more grateful for the amazing future that you are going to have.
Thanks Baiyu. Your Next In Show.


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