Mar 14, 2012

Next In Show Presents An Exclusive With Rize Above

This weeks featured artist is a rapper who represents Off The Wall Livin. Read the interview below to understand that one. Rize Above lives in Brooklyn and is one of a kind. Being from such a diverse and cultural background and living in so many places along the East coast its RIZE Above's versatility that gives him his sound. His new mixtape featured on is nothing to sleep on. Don't believe me, read and listen to Rize Above for maximum exposure.

Next In Show x Rize Above

So you were born in Brooklyn, but moved to New Jersey for yourteenage years. What were the major differences you noticed?
You get exposed to a lot more gang violence, drug abuse androbbery on a daily basis in Newark. The way people think and act in Newark isfueled a lot more by survival or malice as opposed to in Brooklyn when mostviolent crimes are fueled by jealousy or greed.

What is the significance of your name Rize Above?
With everything that'sgone on in my life Ive always tried to over come them in a positive way. Iwanted my stage name to be a statement  a representative of what my musicstands for. Weather its Rising Above adversity, poverty or even Love. My nameis who I am & what I stand for. Not Just me but all people Rising above alltheir struggles to follow their dreams.

Your of Cape Verdean and St. Lucian Decent. Does your family have abackground in island music at all?
Yea they do, Mycousins Dj Therion and Chachi Carvalho Tour in Cape Verde Frequently and arevery well know in our community. My Cousin Calu is the most famous, he wrote somany Cape Verdean Classics that almost every generation knows word for word. DjTherions Father Jack Ramos Was a drummer in a well known Cape Verdean Band inthe 80's & 90's. My family is filled with musicians.

Growing up, what were your creative outlets?
I was always a writer,no matter what I did where I was I put it all down on paper. Through poems,rhymes, short stories I always had a pen and pad with me.

Your older cousins DJ Therion &Chachi Carvalho, who are OG’sin their own right, discovered you. How did they ‘put you on’ in the game?
The 1st person I told I wanted to start rapping was Chachi, Inever really told anyone I wanted to pursue music. He told me to hop on thenext bus to Rhode Island so that I can start recording with him at his studio,Me and DJ Therion were always really close his mother is my God Mother. Everytime he came to New York he would give me his most recent mixtapes. He put me onto alot of artist I had no idea about. He was the one that told me I had thevoice for rapping and should pursue it.

How are they helping you with your career now?
Every time Chachi isthe main even at a venue he invites me to open up for him, always giving me hishonest opinion, telling me what I need to improve performance wise andmusically. Therion is always supportive, spreads my music, tells people aboutme. Im blessed to have them both.

Explain ‘Off The Wall Livin’?
"Life aint so badat all when you Live it Off The Wall" -Michael Jackson aka the Greatest.Off The Wall Livin is a way of life, a movement its how I think everyone shouldlive. Work is work we all have to take care of business but we still need toenjoy life and live it to the limit.

You recently performed in Brooklyn. How was the show?
It was amazing I loveto perform, the crowd showed me a lot of love & It was my 1st timeperforming with a live band so it was a overall great experience.

Your latest mixtape ‘The Ladies Man’ has been out for about amonth now. Great project. How do you think the fan response has been?
Ive gotten nothing butgreat reviews so far, A lot of disbelievers have been voicing their opinion onhow much they enjoyed listening to it. The numbers are slowly but surely risingand Im always promoting it non stop.

Would you say your music is directed mainly toward your femalefanbase?
Id say This mixtape ina way was, But the point of my music and this project as well was just to getpeople to connect with me and my story through love. We've all been in love orthought we were and have also gone through heart break. My music is expressiveI direct it toward everyone, but what man doesnt want women to love him...

How did you get involved in Hot 97’s Who’s Next event?
a good friend of minetold me about it so I decided to get involved.

What are you working on now?
"Return of TheBlack Kings" a joint mixtape with my brother Ocean Wave, were actuallyvery close to being finished and so far it sounds EPIC. Straight real Hip-Hopamazing Lyrics and Concepts. We dont have a drop date as of yet but were in thelab everyday.

How do you plan on reaching your goals?
With hard work,dedication and focus I feel like Im unstoppable.  my song "FxckingFocused" said it all Im willing to sacrifice everything for my dream...

Thanks for your time. Rize Above your Next In Show.

Written By @ihate_chris


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