Mar 30, 2012

Johnny Depp 'New' Dark Shadows Poster

The Tim Burton hit Dark Shadows is set to hit theaters May 11th, 2012 which is right around the corner if you think about how fast time is flying. The hype of The Hunger Games has come and gone, the Lorax, John Carter, Woman In Black have all had their time now it's time for the summer flicks. Summer is the time where they will release anything including Dark Shadows. I say that expecting the movie to be as lousy as the previews, what I hope for however is the story to save the visual. I'll admit there is some sense to the movie; for one it was a TV show in the 70s, it has Johnny Depp who I am not surprised to see in a role like this and miraculously the plot has a beginning and end all in the same movie.

Any who take a look at this HOT banner of the cast including Barnabas Collins and his dysfunctional family descendants and the witch who made him the man he is.


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