Jan 16, 2012

Kim Kardashian LYING? A TV Favorite In HOT WATER [Video] [Pictures]

Now we aren't the one's to gossip about anything that isn't for the better. However when there's lies involved and people's money is involved we seek to help those affected. I understand that people lie but when you are making millions and fooling people to do it then that just isn't right. Who play's with marriage and then tries to convince the world it was legitimate and then get's caught? A liar does silly. Kim Kardashian told the world she loved Kris Humphries and then said she really didn't want to be with him, but she said the last part AFTER she had already filed for divorce. We also know that MTO houses some of the biggest liars this side of the Mississippi but anything dealing with THIS TOPIC is always fair game now days. Thanks MTO check out the link below.

BUSTED!! Kim Kardashian Got BUSTED . . . We Now Have PROOF . . . That Her Reality Show Is FAKE!!! - MediaTakeOut.com™ 2012:

DAMN YOU KIM K.(if this is true)


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