Aug 22, 2011

Anne Hathaway... Wrapping Up The Paparazzi With A Rap

Oh what would life be without the hidden talents of Hollywood's A-list. I mean I feel as though I am always anticipating their antics off screen. Wait, maybe that's because everything on TV is literally every move they make, meh. Regardless of the amount of awards they have, the actor or actress who can take the most drunk and drug paraphernalia pics in a single night and skip jail on every occurrence has the Best hidden talent in my book. That until... (Trumpets) Anne Hathaway, our beloved innocent princess from just a decade ago and currently cast as Catwoman in next years Batman sequel The Dark Night Rises decided it was time to kick it up a notch. I don't mean Emeril Lagasse when I say notches either, I mean a notch on your speakers because Anne Hathaway is teaching you "how to love" or "how not to love" the paparazzi from her new set. Here ya go...

Anne Hathaway by the way is one of our favorite actresses - She keep's it real and we respect that

However Anne, I am not sure this was Lil Waynish.


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