Feb 29, 2012

Next In Show x Cocoa Sarai Exclusive Interview

There's a new girl in town and by the sounds of her new album, The Black & White, Cocoa Sarai won't be forgotten anytime soon. Miss Cocoa has a Bed Stuy attitude and the beauty of a goddess. Check out our exclusive interview with the pop diva, Cocoa Sarai.

Next InShow Presents Cocoa Sarai

Your name Cocoa Sarai is so unique. Where did it come from?
Well my mom called me Chocolate all my life because of my skin; in my old neighborhoodin Bed Stuy my friends still call me that. My middle name is Sarai we just putit together and you have Cocoa Sarai.
Is Brooklyn really it’s own country?

Of course, Brooklyn in its self is a very diverse and special place. It has anatmosphere. A heart beat. It's home! I definitely acquired the edginess in mymusic and personality from being raised in this country of Brooklyn lol...
You just released your new project, The Black & White on Catapult Records.What inspired this album?
But the album is available on iTunes. This album was definitelyinspired by life, transitions, self-realizations and colors. Almost everythingcan be interpreted that way. My mother passed away in November from lungcancer. Ironically my single "Raining In My Room” dropped the same week. Irecorded most of the album in 3 months. When I did my first album Half PastSeven I was definitely a girl still figuring out exactly what kind of person Iwas going to be, after your mother passes you put a lot of things ontoperspective. You figure out what's most important when you’re watching someonedeteriorate and you can't do anything about it. The term "The Black &White" took on a new meaning by the time the album was released. This iswhom I am, vulnerable, loving, hurting, and laughing strong. The music addscolor to this Black and White picture... There are stories on there thateverybody can relate to...

What producers did you work with?
Well * Rick Hertz * who is my partner mixed and mastered the project, heexecutive produced this album and my last album along with myself. He alsoproduced 3 songs on it "The Intro, Delete You & Anything ft. Fred DaGodson” Then there was * Jordan Ware * who is a master violinist and amazingproducer. He produced 3 songs as well "Criminal, Colours (interlude) andMemories 4 Suckers”. Singer/Rapper/Songwriter/Producer *Rich Lowe* produced 3songs as well "Love Feels Like, Black & Blue, 1 Second 2 Love"which he sang on and took part in writing. Last but not least * Jayd * whoproduced "Raining In My Room" and *Ant B.808 * who produced "LIVE”I wrote every song by myself except two that Rich Lowe and I wrote together.I'm blessed and honored to have worked with such amazingly talented people.They were all just as invested as I am in this project and the coolest set ofpeople ever.

All of the tracks on the albums fit perfect together. At the moment I amplaying Delete You on repeat. I can’t help but to get my groove on. Can youtalk about the evolution of the song?
Well I came up with the idea for it 2 years ago, I was fresh outof a relationship but we were still fooling around. The guy started to postpictures of him and other women as his profile pic on Facebook. Now I assureyou I am far from a stalker but anything he did would pop up on my news feed.My mom saw it one day and asked me "Who this chick?" Then I told herhim and I had broken up which meant nothing to her because he was still comingby the house...lol. I wanted to delete him but my pride wouldn't let me andapart of me wanted to know what he was doing.... That’s where the title camefrom. Fast forward to a year and a half later, Rick Hertz reminds me of therecord, he played the beat and I finished the song... I know that people relateto that one.... Uggghhh it was definitely coming from an honest place.

For your next project, if you could have one only one feature, who would it beand why?
It would be Kanye West, he's extremely creative and I believe we would makeamazing music.... Yup that's who it would be. There are more but you said nameone :-(

What music are you currently playing in heavy rotation?

Frank Ocean
Jhene Aiko
Rockie Evans
Stevie Wonder

How did it feel to be featured in the New York Times?
It was awesome, gaining any type of notoriety in your hometown solidifies thatI'm reaching people. I want to reach the world but having my city means thatI'm off to a good start. I would love to jump into the music scene in LA andwork with some of the artist there. :- )

You recently performed at the Mama Im’a Make It Showcase. How was it?
It was cool; the power of people is awesome. I was set to golast and the club had another party coming in after the show. So because theshow ran over by the time I was scheduled to perform, the soundman cut my Mic.The crowd got upset and I started to sing "Raining In My Room" whichis a crowd favorite, my beat boxer and drummer came in and the audience swayed,snapped and sang along. That moment of togetherness where angry faces turnedinto smiles was amazing....

What is coming up next for you?
The Black & White is officially out now!!! And BET MusicMatters on March 13th, which I'm extremely excited about. I have a 6-piece bandso this is going to be epic :-) A few music videos; the visuals from thisproject have to be mind blowing. Traveling the world and performing

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
Yes, whole-heartedly...good and bad

What is the most important lesson you have learned, since involved in the musicindustry?
That this is most definitely a business before anything else, that creativitydoes not come from us, it flows through us and that the moment I wascomfortable being myself, everyone else loved me....

Thanks for your time Cocoa. Your #nextinshow

Thank you so much for having me and finding me interestingenough to consider interviewing. I enjoyed answering the questions :-) 

PS. please excuse any typos as I answering from my cell phone...

#swag #spellcheck’d


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