Jul 25, 2011

Your Business Card Your Future

"Hello, and you do"?

Question's like these fifty times a night are constant reminders that short timed communication tactics are needed; Business Cards. I mean face it sometimes the guy with onion breath and a moped can't help you make a million bucks. Although, it is sometimes hard to just walk away. So for this reason people, it is dire that we professionals of networking are prepared for the "hard walk" of the traditional Hard Rock hosted company networking party. No pun intended.

I remember my first business card. It took me about five minutes because I was told what it should look like, ugly. The card looked just like the person telling me what it should look like, except with my name on it, my extension wasn't even on it, just all of their information. Sad face. Well, I eventually got my extension added and ultimately that was the "click" that made me want to do my own thing altogether. I'll tell you this, I have never been so happy.


Now I appreciate the benefits of having my own brand, my own image and not just being a tool for someone else's good. I appreciate the fact that I am a tool for all of those who are trying everyday to make it big. I enjoy being that person, or one of these people. We are all our own brand in the end, make sure it fits you.

With that said people I suggest to you ideas and innovative ideas on how to represent yourself, your brand.

Business Card's Yeahhhhhhhhhhh



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