Jul 16, 2011

Doctor, Doctor time for the Doctor... Unless...

One thing I can say about most of the people I know is that they never talk about the Doctors. I mean isn't there some kind of human code that say's we must be scared of the Doctors office? I guess not wanting to know you have two months to live is a great reason I suppose, especially if you're going in for a simple check up. The fact still stands though, most Americans don't visit the Doctors in time.

Young adults should visit the Doctors with or without symptoms for check ups at least once every other year if not once a year. Elders should visit about three to four times a year. 

For more Great and Useful informaton please visit Guide to Healthcare Schools provides articles, such as "The Complete List of State Departments of Health," that can help you find reputable license health care professionals in your area. 

Well in trying to figure out how to save the world from the over grinning receptionist of deceit who secretly enjoys the hollers of every teeny, tiny little boy and girl who walks through the office doors (INHALE)... I have discovered this...

Granny and Gramps need an upgrade...

This puppy enables the "walker" to check their blood pressure, tell themselves how "hot" they are or a temperature reading as well as know how fast "old thumper" is beating. For those with the faint of sight don't worry, the Aid Cane boasts a stellar LCD screen on the canes clasp.

Innovation is like a breath of fresh air (batteries not included)

Compliments of UBERGIZMO
Tips For Health Check Ups


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