Apr 2, 2012

Retro Brawler IRL - Final Rage [Real Life VIDEO GAME]

OMG! This has to be the funniest video I've seen in awhile. Completely original and completely Hen Zee certified. Hen Zee and his amazing crew Team PTX have provided the world with and amazing display of video game in real life filmography. The video Retro Brawler IRL - Final Rage reminds me of the Sega game I'd die to see a remake of Streets Of Rage with a twist on the characters. Danny Trejo is the main boss too, just not the real Danny Trejo.

Zee and PTX do a marvelous job of making sure the immaturity of video game creation is shown in the video. By that I mean the computer guy's swinging and missing even when not in attack range, the random pedestrian in the back ground watching it all go down and the jotted steps they take. No fluid movements was a big goal in this video making me believe what I was seeing was a video game but with real life people. I would watch this if they made like "levels" into episodes. Please enjoy!
Le Roy Cooper

Help Team PTX get into Hollywood by getting this page more views, we're competing against the rest of Hunter College so we need your help:

Thanks to Robert Chen for the music:

And Evolution Muay Thai for helping Hen Zee prepare for the rule


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